Sunday, April 28, 2019

This is what epilepsy looks like.... for me.

Background story: I have had weird things/feelings/sensations my whole life. I have struggled with chronic headaches/migraines since I was about 5 years old. In December 2018 I had a minor surgical procedure under general anesthesia. Everything went well, and I was at home sleeping off the anesthesia. I woke up after a couple hours with the worst headache I have ever had in my entire life. There are no words to describe the amount of pain I had. No pain killers even touched my headache, but I just assumed it was a side effect of the anesthesia. Within a few days I started getting these weird "sensations."

My sensations started out with feeling goosebumps/tingles on my head. Then it progressed to having a tingling sensation that would run up and down the right side of my body. Within, a couple weeks I started having vision issues in my right eye and right sided jerking of my limbs. This continued to progress in frequency and were getting worse.  When I would have these episodes I would also feel "spacey and euphoric" and struggle to speak. I could barely find words, and would slur and stutter really bad. I started having issues with memory and moments of confusion. These episodes became so frequent that a friend encouraged me to go to the ER. My husband agreed this was a good idea. I was admitted immediately. The local hospital was pretty much useless and a LOT of mistakes were made, and my care was sub par. That is story for a different day.

We decided to seek a second opinion from a Neurologist in Indy. Both my Neuro and My GP believed I was having partial seizures. I had a 72 hour video EEG done inpatient a few weeks ago, and 48 hours into my EEG I received my diagnosis. I have Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, which is why all my symptoms are right sided and cause speech, reading, memory and writing difficulties. The doctor believes I am having Complex Partial Seizures also known as Focal Impaired - Awareness seizures. The doctor and nurses have said that potentially the anesthesia from December had something to do with my seizures, but there is no way to find out at this point. I will be having an MRI with contrast to check for scar tissue, brain abnormalities, etc so please be praying about this test.

I am so relieved and grateful to have an answer to all my weird symptoms. I am thankful to be able to start medications that has lessened the frequency of my seizures. I went from having them every 2 hours to having about 2-3 a day with my recent increase. I am also thankful I have an Aura (warning sign) before my seizures come so that I can get to a safe place. An Aura for seizures are also known as Simple Partial Seizure or Focal Aware Seizure. I am thankful my seizures have decreased, but I am so ready to not be having these daily. Sometimes I wonder if my "migraines" were really migraines or if they were seizures or linked to seizures all along. Since my seizures started I have not had any migraines. Migraine medicines never worked for me in the past. The only relief I had from my headaches was when I was on seizure meds that were also used to treat migraines. The only time I get headaches now is after my seizure when I am post-itical. I will never truly know, but it does make me wonder.

With that said, what many people don't understand about epilepsy is that seizures look different for everyone. It is not always the Grand Mal (tonic clonic) or Petit mal (absence) seizure that people see or hear about. My seizures in particular I start to feel Euphoric/spacey (its hard to describe), my speech is slurred and I stutter. Then my head turns to the right, my eyes move rapidly and flutter some, my right arm jerks, and I am unable to respond. The seizure lasts about 1.5-2 minutes. 

My oldest son who has seizures has a blank stare, and drools. When he comes out of it he talks in slow motion, can't read or write, has lack of appetite, and a bad headache. His seizures are less than 30 seconds and are easy to miss.

We both have epilepsy, but our seizures present differently.

People also don't realize how hard it is to become "seizure free" and many people think the day you take a pill your seizures go away. I wish it was that easy! The process to get to a therapeutic dose is SLOW. Really slow. You have to go up on AEDs (anti-epileptic drugs) slow because of side effects (some can be fatal). There are also some people who have epilepsy where medication doesn't work. They need a VNS or lobectomy where the part of the brain causing the seizures is removed. Some people never become seizure free. Everyone is different. 

Being 4 years into the epilepsy journey with our oldest child I often hear, "Wow, he has seizures but he looks and acts so normal." Well, epilepsy is an invisible illness. People (unless they have other health/physical conditions) look "normal." I look normal and healthy until I have a seizure. When I have a seizure I look and feel terrible, and it takes me about 20-30 minutes after to bounce back.  

                                           Photo Credit: Courtney Venable Photography

People also don't realize it can change your whole life. It has for me. My whole life has been turned upside down. I am basically like a child again with what I am allowed to do. My independence went out the window. The things most adults take for granted I am not allowed to do right now, and this is hard. I have cried a lot and have really had to press into the Lord through this.

My seizure restrictions/precautions right now are as follows:

-No driving until 6 months SEIZURE FREE
- No swimming or baths without supervision
-No cooking on stove without supervision
- No open flames (grill, bond fire, etc)
-No being left alone in public
-No being at high elevations

Other things people don't think about is you have to be mindful about things you are doing that could potentially pose a risk like using hair styling tools that are hot,using knives to cut food, etc.

God has shown me how much I relied on MY independence. He has also revealed to  me how stubborn I am. I am dependent on myself where as I should be dependent on the Lord. God has also revealed to me my identity issues. My identity is NOT in me being a good wife, mother, homeschool mom, homemaker, etc. My identity is NOT epilepsy. My identity is IN HIM. Goodness, this is a hard concept to grasp. I have cried a lot. I am the worst homemaker ever right now. Struggling to cook, clean, homeschool, care for our kids etc... But that does not define me. That is not my identity. And I cannot do it alone. I NEED JESUS. I am a daughter of the one true King and apart from him I can do nothing.

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

 God has used this trial to humble me and allow my husband to serve me. He has grown my husband so much as a spiritual leader in our house, a husband, and a daddy. Witnessing this has been a true gift. His load is heavy right now. He is/was by me through my seizures, prays over me while I am seizing, reads the Bible with our children and leads biblical discussion, homeschools our children on days I can't, cooks, cleans, cares for the kids, drives me to my appointments, grocery shops, and on top of it all still continues to work from home to provide for our family. Pray for him and that he will endure this trial and continue to press into the Lord. 

 I have had to be humbled so much and have had to allow our church, friends, family, and Taylor's work serve us. To see the amount of love poured out on our us by our family, friends, church body, and Taylor's work has been just a small glimpse of God's grace and goodness. God has used both believers and non -believers to love us and this has been incredible to see. I pray that God uses our trials to lead people to him. We have had family fly out from AZ to love on us, people sit at my bedside in the hospital, visit us, pray for us and with us, watch our children, clean our house, provide meals, provide gift cards for meals, drive me places when our kids were sick and Taylor had to be home with them, text/call, send cards, allow Taylor to work from home, and the list goes on. We are so overwhelmed by how much all these people have loved our family through this. We are thankful beyond words, and can never repay them. Thank You just does not feel like enough. 

My sister, Kursty, took the photo below. I just came out of a seizure in this photo. I look awful in it, but I wanted to show my husband's servant heart. He knelt down beside me from start to finish of my seizures. My husband was by my side with every seizure. One of the most comforting things for me when I come out of my seizures is seeing his face. He truly is living out our wedding vows in sickness and in health. He prays, he comforts me, and has loved and is continuing to love me so well through this. I cannot express how much I love this man. Seeing how God is growing him in this season and how much he has loved/served me through this trial has made my love for him grow 10 fold, which I didn't even know was possible. 

My husband will be going back to work this week after working from home the last couple months because my seizures were so frequent. Pray for us as we start to get some "normalcy" back in our lives. Pray for him as he returns to work. Pray for me as I will be alone with the children again. Please continue to just pray for our family through this tough season.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The truth about photos

      I don’t post much on social media anymore. I struggle being on social media. It is so easy to hide behind a façade and to get caught up in what is not reality. Social media and photos can easily hide the truth. What you don’t see in most photos is the pain, grief, suffering, trials, etc. people face.

     We recently had family photos done. As I was looking at these photos I noticed something. I noticed how we all look so “happy” and when people look at these photos that is what they will see too. What you don’t see is how hard this day was. How hard it was to get through these photos for our family. What you don’t see is the trials we are going through. What you don’t see are the diagnoses. You don’t see that our oldest had multiple seizures this day, and struggled with the flash in the studio. You can’t see that I was having seizures every 2 hours, which means I had a seizure while we on our way to photos and had one on the way home. You don’t see that I had to get ready in between seizures and post-itical phase, which was quite the task.

Photo Credit: Courtney Venable Photography

     What I have found is that “happiness” is momentary. The littlest thing can leave you mad or upset, and your happiness is gone. Life is not about being “happy.” Life is about bringing glory to God. EVEN IN MY SUFFERING. I have learned that even though my happiness can be gone in an instant that it’s my joy that cannot be taken from me. My joy in the Lord is not defined by my life circumstances. My happiness may be, but not my joy. On the hard days I am not happy. I cry. I weep. I beg God for relief and for this to not be our lot. Our struggles are hard. They are daily and seem to be never ending. As I have begged God to take these health trials away from our family, as of now, he has said “No” I don’t know why, but what I do know is that I want Him to be most glorified through it. I want him to be most glorified even in my ugly moments. My sinful moment. My imperfections. My struggles. My doubt. I want Christ to be enough for me, my husband, and my children. My husband reminded me of this scripture a couple of months ago, and I want this to be so true for our family.

So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations,[a] a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.2 cor 12:7-10

Our health trials are “our thorn in our flesh.”

God has been teaching me so much through our sufferings. He is teaching me to cling to Him. To run to Him. Trust Him. Cry out to Him. Patience.  He is not also teaching me but he is also showing me my sin and where I fall short. He is doing surgery to my heart. It is a SLOW AND PAINFUL process. I don’t like it at all, but I know the end result will be beautiful. I also know that these trials are momentary although they feel like forever. 

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Patience is one thing I lack. Waiting on the Lord's timing. Waiting on doctors, tests, results, and the list goes on..... Even though things never happen on my timing. The Lord's timing is always perfect. One night as I sat weeping in my bed, pleading with God, I felt so lonely and scared I was led to this scripture:

I sought the Lord, and he answered me
    and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant,
    and their faces shall never be ashamed.
This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
    and saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps
    around those who fear him, and delivers them.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
    Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
Psalms 35

No, He did promise me health. He promised me he would deliver me from my fears and he has. He encamps around me. I am blessed and have refuge in him. He is good. I don’t doubt his goodness. I do on the other hand doubt how this could possibly be for MY good. I have to pray often. Repent of my wanting to be in control, and not trusting him with my children and my life. He is working in me to not worry about tomorrow. With my children and their health trials, and my own health trials I have learned its completely out of my control. I have NO IDEA what tomorrow brings. I will drive myself crazy (and have before and still do sometimes) worrying about all the “what ifs” and then I am brought to this scripture time and time again.

34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34

Oh goodness, it is so easy to become anxious. To worry about the unknowns. I HATE THE UNKNOWNS. There are unknowns for me but there are NO unknowns to God. He truly has been the only unchanging thing in our life. His sovereignty, goodness, faithfulness, and love truly brings me so much comfort. As I fear so many things, even losing my children, I am reminded of God’s sacrifice for me. His only son died and took my punishment on the cross. His undying love for me is immeasurable and I have no words to express how grateful I am for my Savior. The ugliness in me through these trials has reminded me how much I am in need of a Savior, and I am so thankful that I have one who has given me his righteousness.

Please pray for our family in this season.  

P.S. I will write another blog soon about my seizures. ;)