Thursday, September 13, 2012

adjusting to life with 2! :)

Being a mommy of a 2 year old and newborn keeps me quite busy so my blogs will probably not be as frequent. With that being said.....
I am so beyond blessed to have my two little boys!! They amaze me everyday and I am so thankful the Lord entrusted me to be their mommy!! Jude is so sweet, but knows what he wants! For example, he only likes to be held certain ways, hates the swing, will scream his head off if he does NOT like something!! He loves to be snuggled, which I LOVE! Here are some of Jude's newborn photos!! I am so smitten with this little boy, and its still so surreal after 9 months of a difficult pregnancy that He is here healthy and perfect! :)

As much as I love my boys I will be honest and say going from 1 to 2 children has been challenging! The transition was a made a little easier by having my amazing husband home for 2.5 weeks, meals from my church family, and having family here to help for a couple of weeks! One reason it has been challenging because I feel like the boys often need something important at the same time. Although, other aspects of being a mom of two are easier such as knowing different things to do to calm Jude when he is fighting sleep or upset. Having Jude in our family now has been an adjustment for everyone especially for our sweet Josiah. He has surprisingly done well though. At first, he was really jealous when daddy held Jude and would always say "daddy give baby Jude to mommy." That only lasted about a week, which I am so thankful for. Josiah, at first, was scared to touch Jude, but quickly warmed up. Now he is totally smitten with his baby brother and loves to hold, kiss, and even tries to play with him. He also has done well with being patient when he wants something and I am feeding, changing, or soothing Jude. I am so proud of my sweet Josiah!

Psalms 127: 3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, a fruit of the womb a reward. 
Postpartum: I will be so thankful when my hormones return to normal! I have not had too many emotional days like I did with Josiah, but I have still had a few weepy days and moodiness. I hate it! Anxiety has kicked in about sickness such as the flu or whooping cough especially as we are entering the season for these things because these things can be serious and/or fatal for Jude so I am having to CONTINUALLY put this anxiety into the hands of my good God. I have to constantly be in prayer about it or I will become a hermit like I did with Josiah. I know part of my anxiety comes from having Josiah hospitalized at 10 days old with a stomach bug, and it was horrible. I also don't like the postpartum phase because of ppd, which is always at the back of my mind since I suffered from postpartum depression with Josiah that started around 5-6 weeks after delivery and lasted a few months. This time I am trying to prevent it by walking daily, reading the Bible, and praying. 

I have enjoyed taking walks around my neighborhood and Josiah loves our walks! Jude falls asleep in the stroller, which is a plus because it gives Josiah and me lots of time to talk, and we have turned our walks into a little adventure!  

The Lord taught me so much through my pregnancy with Jude such as patience, humbleness, and reliance on Him. He is STILL teaching me these things. I have to be reminded that I am NOT super woman and somedays I will not be able to clean, dinner sometimes may not be as homemade as I WANT it to be, etc. I have to rely in HIS strength to make it through each day especially the challenging ones when boys are fighting sleep or Josiah is being defiant. God is such a good God and I am so thankful that He continues to teach me new things through each season of my life. 

I absolutely LOVE my family. The Lord truly has given me an amazing family and I am undeserving of them!! <3 Thank you Jesus! :)

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